May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. Blood pressure checks are available at any of our four fire stations. No appointment necessary.
May is National High Blood Pressure Education Month. Blood pressure checks are available at any of our four fire stations. No appointment necessary.
On Thursday, May 15, 2014 at approximately 7:15 hours, five Type III Wildland fire engines, a Strike Team Leader and Strike Team Leader Trainee were requested to respond to the Highway Fire in the Camp Pendleton area of San Diego. The five fire engines were formed up to become Strike Team #4205. The fire engines were provided by the following fire departments: 1. El Dorado Hills Fire Department 2. El Dorado County Fire Department 3. Cameron Park Fire Department 4. Georgetown Fire Department 5. Garden Valley Fire Department The firefighters are committed to serving on the Southern California Wildfires for up to 14 days. For fire incident status in California, visit:
This week, California Insurance Commissioner announced the approval of a set of rate changes submitted by USAA that will provide anywhere from 12 to 16 percent savings on homeowner insurance premiums for the typical USAA customer in California. If that customer lives in a recognized Firewise community, they will enjoy an additional 5% break. We can only hope that other state insurance departments and other major insurers take notice of what Commissioner Jones calls "USAA's enterprising decision" to address wildfire risk reduction.
Use a life vest, save a life. El Dorado Hills Fire Department received a grant from the Life Jacket Loaner Program sponsored by the U.S. and California Boats and Waterways Association which loans flotation devices to local boaters.
On April 29 and 30, the El Dorado Hills Firefighters, Highway Patrol Officers and others came together to present an event designed to dramatically instill teenagers with the potentially dangerous consequences of drinking alcohol and texting while driving.
With the warmer weather, we are beginning to see rattlesnakes around El Dorado Hills. If you encounter a rattlesnake, don't panic! Stay calm and dial 9-1-1. Keep a visual on the snake while maintaining a safe distance and we will be dispatched accordingly. We are only able to remove and relocate the rattlesnakes if they are visible.
Caltrans is scheduled to rehabilitate a section of U.S. Highway 50, known as the W/X Viaduct, beginning April 22, 2014.
Two major changes have been implemented to the Fire Department's existing Unimproved Property Hazard Abatement Standard for 2014.
PARDON OUR MESS! Thank you El Dorado Hills Community for your patience while we are rebuilding Fire Station 84!
What is This Fee?
*Note - The date of this event has been moved to May 17, 2014 (original date was March 22, 2014). The time and location is the same.
The El Dorado Hills Fire Department conducted a "Live Fire Training Burn" on March 22 & 23, 2014. The location of the training burn was off of Sienna Ridge Road, east of the Bass Lake and Serrano Parkway intersection. Please see the flyer below for a map of the training burn area.
Please help save a life by donating blood at the next El Dorado Hills Community Blood Drive. It will take place on Monday, April 14 at 1:30PM to 6:30PM at the El Dorado Hills Community Services District (Pavilion Building). For more information, please view the flyer below.
Strategic Planning is a process that involves the statement of an organization's most important goals, the implementation of plans to achieve them, the assessment of progress, and the continual revision and update of objectives, resources, and schedules. The El Dorado Hills Fire Department's Strategic Plan was recently updated and approved by the Board of Directors on February 20, 2014. Please click on the link below to view the finalized document.
The 2013 Annual Report has been finalized and is available for viewing. Please click on the link below.
2014 Notice of Public Member Vacancy
At the Special Board Meeting held on January 23, 2014, the Board of Directors approved Resolution 2014-04 to proceed with initiating annexation of the Latrobe Fire Protection District. As of February 3, 2014, the Latrobe Fire Protection District Board of Directors approved to proceed with initiating annexation as well. The next step is to gain approval with El Dorado County Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) and the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors. To view the Annexation related documents, please visit the Documents and Forms webpage. If you have any questions regarding this Annexation, please contact Fire Dave Chief Roberts.
At the Special Board Meeting held on January 23, 2014, Wallace Fullerton was appointed to the Board of Directors. He was appointed to fill the vacant position created by Director Lou Barber who resigned. Director Fullerton took the Oath of Office the same night and will remain in this position through the next election in November 2014.
With California facing water shortfalls in the driest year in recorded state history, Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. proclaimed on January 17, 2014 a State of Emergency and directed state officials to take all necessary actions to prepare for these drought conditions.
We thank you for your toy donations to the Toys for Tots Program in El Dorado County for 2013! Our Toys for Tots Program Leader Chris Landry announces that it was another successful year. "El Dorado Hills collected over 5,000 toys through our local business partners, our station locations, and through the Santa Run. After combining all the donated toys in El Dorado County, Christmas was a bit brighter for over 7,000 local children." Thank you to all of you that took the time to help out with the toy drive and to those that donated toys so that others could have a happy holiday.