Burn Permit Information
Do I need a Residential Burn Permit?
If you plan to burn vegetative debris on your property, you will need to obtain a burn permit. Burn permits are available online at https://burnpermit.fire.ca.gov/. Please note burn permits are no longer issued in person at our fire stations.
Informational Bulletin for Residential Burn Pile Requirements
Burn Permit Guide
Debris Burning Flyer
If you are burning material in a pile GREATER in size than 4 feet x 4 feet, you MUST obtain a Burn Permit from El Dorado County Air Quality Management District (AQMD):
El Dorado County Air Quality Management District
330 Fair Lane
Placerville, CA 95667
(530) 621-6662
When can I burn?
All burning must take place on a designated Burn Day. Please call (530) 621-5897 or toll free (866) 621-5897 immediately prior to igniting your pile for Burn Day status. You can also check the Air Quality Control website for burn day status.
What material can I legally burn?
Residential burning is limited to tree trimmings, vines, brush, leaves, lawn clippings and dry plants collected from the property on which you are burning.
DO NOT BURN stumps or poison oak.
What is ILLEGAL to burn?
Household garbage such as paper, junk mail, cardboard, cans, glass, furniture, plastics, rubber, tires, tar paper, asphalt shingles, dimensioned lumber, treated lumber, insulation, caulking tubes, paints or coatings, metal wire, or other miscellaneous construction and demolition debris, are SOME of the materials that are illegal to burn. These items produce toxic pollutants that may cause cancer, immune system damage, and other health problems.
How should I burn my material?
Prior to burning, vegetative material must be dry and reasonably free of dirt. Burn piles should be constructed in such a way as to allow fresh air intake to promote more efficient burning for reduced smoke generation. *Only material that will burn in 24 hours can be ignited. If your pile is wet, let it dry for a few days before burning. Avoid causing a smoke nuisance for your neighbors.
The following are burning permit terms for burning debris in small 4'x 4' pile:
- Maximum pile size 4 foot in diameter.
- Area within 10 feet of the outer edge of pile is maintained free and clear of all flammable material and vegetation.
- Responsible person in attendance with shovel until fire is dead out.
- Water supply at burning site.
- No burning shall be undertaken unless weather conditions (particularly wind) are such that burning can be considered safe.
- Additional terms and conditions.
(PUBLIC RESOURCES CODE 4421, 4422, 4423 AND 4425)
Health & Safety Code 13009 states that persons who lose control of a permitted burn may be liable for suppression costs.
If you have any questions about backyard burning, please call the Community Risk Reduction team at (916) 933-6623.