El Dorado Hills Firefighters partner with El Dorado Hills CSD and El Dorado County to preserve a Christmas Tradition for the community. For the past many years, El Dorado Hills Firefighters have decorated the "unofficial" community Christmas tree located at the El Dorado Hills Senior Center. The sparkling tree spread holiday joy to residents passing by in the evenings between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day.
Unfortunately, several months ago the 45 year old, 35 ft. tall pine tree died suddenly and had to be removed. Fire Chief Dave Roberts received multiple phone calls from concerned residents and community organizations asking what would happen to the Christmas Spirit in El Dorado Hills without the beautifully lit Christmas tree that had become a cherished tradition. Working together, the El Dorado Hills Firefighters Foundation, CSD, and County developed a plan to replace the tree with a 25 ft. tall cedar. The Firefighters Foundation paid for the tree and the CSD and County will provide the equipment and labor to plant it. As a result of this collaborative effort, the "unofficial" community Christmas tree tradition will live on. Read the official News Release.